Udawalawe National Park: A Sanctuary for Wildlife and Natural Beauty | Sri Lanka Tourist Places | by visit places in the world

Image by Sofia Cristina Córdova Valladares from Pixabay

-**Udawalawe National Park is a national park on the boundary of Sabaragamuwa and Uva Provinces in Sri Lanka. The park was created to provide a sanctuary for wild animals displaced by the construction of the Udawalawe Reservoir on the Walawe River, as well as to protect the catchment of the reservoir. The reserve covers 30,821 hectares (119.00 sq mi) of land area and was established on 30 June 1972. Before the designation of the national park, the area was used for shifting cultivation (chena farming). The farmers were gradually removed once the national park was declared. The park is 165 kilometres (103 mi) from Colombo. Udawalawe is an important habitat for water birds and Sri Lankan elephants. It is a popular tourist destination and the third-most visited park in the country.


Image by Sofia Cristina Córdova Valladares from Pixabay

-**Physical Features-**

-**Udawalawe lies at the intersection of Sri Lanka’s wet and dry zones.Although plains make up the majority of the terrain, the park contains some mountainous sections. The Kalthota Range, Diyawini Falls in the north, and the outcrops of Bambaragala and Reminikotha are some of the region's most notable features. Rainfall in the park averages 1,500 millimeters (59 inches) per year, with the highest amounts falling between October and January and March and May. 27–28 °C (81–82 °F) is the typical temperature, while the relative humidity ranges from 70% to 83%.


Photo by Yanuka Deneth on Unsplash


-**The habitat surrounding the Udawalawe Reservoir is diverse, including marshes, the Walawe River and its tributaries , forests, and grasslands. The dead trees covering the reservoir help to understand the forest cover that existed before the construction of the Udawalawa Dam. It can be remembered how much tree population. Green algae species such as Pediastrum and Scenedesmus and blue-green algae such as Microsystis thrive in the reservoir. Abundant open grasslands result from former chena farming practices. Additionally, a teak plantation exists beyond the southern boundary, planted before the park’s official declaration. There is a plantation of teak beyond the southern boundary, below the dam, which was planted before the declaration of the park. Species recorded from the park include 94 plants, 21 fish, 12 amphibians, 33 reptiles, 184 birds (33 of which are migratory), and 43 mammals. Additionally 135 species of butterflies are among the invertebrates found in Udawalawe.


Photo by Paul Kapischka on Unsplash


-**Several endemic floral species are recorded within Udawalawe National Park. The park’s flora contributes to its ecological richness and provides essential habitats for various wildlife species. These include Hopea cordifolia, Memecylon petiolatum, Erythroxylon zeylanicum, and Jasminum angustifolium.   Hopea cordifolia is found along the river along with Terminalia arjuna. Panicum maximum and Imperata cylindrica are important food sources for the elephants. Chloroxylon swietenia, Berrya cordifolia, Diospyros ebenum, Adina cordifolia, Vitex pinnata, Schleichera oleosa, and Diospyros ovalifolia are the common taller trees. Terminalia bellirica and Phyllanthus emblica are plants of medicinal value found in the forest. Cymbopogon confertiflorus grass species and Grewia tiliifolia bushes are common in the grasslands.


Photo by Paul Kapischka on Unsplash


-**Udawalawa is home to a variety of wild animals. Among the species recorded: The park is home to 43 mammal species, with the Sri Lankan elephant taking a prominent place. It is estimated that over 500 elephants live in this relatively small park, making it an excellent destination for elephant watching. Other mammals include leopards, spotted deer, wild boars and buffaloes.

-**Udawalawe is an important habitat for water birds. A total of 184 bird species (including 33 migratory birds) have been documented here. Birdwatchers can spot various species, from raptors to waterfowl.

-**The park is home to 33 reptile species, including crocodiles, monitor lizards, and snakes. Additionally , 21 fish species inhabit the reservoir.

-**Invertebrates: Among the invertebrates, 135 species of butterflies add vibrant colors to the landscape.

Image by Karuvadgraphy from Pixabay

-**Udawalawe National Park is still considered a tourist destination due to its breathtaking scenery and abundant wildlife. The third most popular park in Sri Lanka, it provides a rare opportunity to see animals in their native habitat. In order to protect the delicate ecosystem and natural beauty , visitors should abide by park regulations.. Come to Sri Lanka to experience the wonders of nature. Udawalawa is an amazing creation in the heart of Sri Lanka's wilderness. Whether you are a die-hard nature lover or looking for something special to do. Definitely come and watch in Udawala.

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